This weekend we celebrate being exactly 1 year old. Happy Birthday. I am still in awe of all that Christ has done in only 12 months.
Saturday February 4th, the day before our Re:Launch in Briscoe Middle School, we are inviting everyone out to visit the new space. Obviously, we cannot make this a mandatory gathering since we can't force anyone to do anything. However, we want to strongly urge everyone to join us. If you are serving at Netcast in any capacity, it is vital that you are here for this.
This will be a time for us to see the new space, learn our new responsibilities, dream and pray together. There will be some minor work for all of us to contribute to as we do our best to get the space ready for our launch on the 5th.
Below are the specific times for you to arrive if you are on a Ministry Team.
Set-up and Tear-down:
Arrive at 10:00am. At this time you will be trained on all the different setup components at the new location. All setup should be done within 1 – 1 ½ hours.
Children's Ministry:
Arrive at 11:30am. This will be your time to look at the new childrens space (which is going to be awesome.) You will also get acclimated to the new processes and our new Netcast Kids Service.
Worship an AV Team:
Arrive at 11:30am. At this time we will do a basic sound check, pray together and get a feel for the new acoustics and sound. Wrehave huge plans for this ministry in 2012.
Welcome Team:
Arrive at 11:30am. You will need to see where the new lobby area is, the process for first time guests, the new gifts we have for visitors, refreshments, etc. This ministry is probably the most vital team as we move. People make a decision about coming back before they ever hear the music or sermon. You are our first impression and vital to the growth and retention to the church.
Everyone else:
We would encourage everyone else to come out and join us at 12:30pm for lunch and a quick devotional. After lunch we may spend an hour together just wiping down chairs with some cleaner, organizing the storage space and some other minor cleanup.
Childcare will be provided. Please email me and let me know that you will be bring your children so that we have enough childcare workers.
Watch and Join the Movement.
Address: 7 Sohier Rd. Beverly, MA 01915
Pastor Matt
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