A Note to my Spiritual Fathers.

Dear Steve Shomo, Dan Byrd, Allen Holmes and Frank Bishoff. Here I am studying through 1st Corinthians 4 and prepping my sermon for Sunday. This week, I am preaching through where Paul is telling the Corinthian Church that they have many teachers and guides, but no Spiritual Fathers. In reading the scriptures, I was really blessed by Gods grace. All throughout my walk with Christ, The Lord has never left me without Spiritual Fathers in my life. You four men have been there as Fathers through the years and I am forever indebted to you for this. Having grown up with no real fatherly guidance in my life and very little positive male examples, I always desired Spiritual Fathers after coming to Christ. You four men have not just taught me some of the deep mysteries of God, but also modeled a life of Godliness. Now, I know that none of you are perfect; I have seen most of you do things that you probably regret, however you always modeled repentance, love, service and passion. Thank you for being my Spiritual Dads. I am 100% sure that the blessings that we are being granted by Christ as we plant Netcast is directly tied to your love, obedience and faith which has been somehow passed down to my family. I love you men more than you know. Your son in the faith, Matt

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