The word "church" in the title of Netcast Community Church, here are some thoughts. I recentially read a study that stated culture today actually doesnt feel uncomfortable with the word "Church" in the church title. It actually makes the culture feel a little more comfortable knowing that it isn't some sort of a cult or weird religious organization. The thing that people feel more intimated about is a denomination's name in the church title. The study concluded that the word "Church" seemed to do more good than harm which was surprising to me, since we live in a culture that seems to hate the church.
Anyone have an opinion on this?
I am P-UMPED about this calling God is growing in your heart. I wanted to make a few statements about the word "church." I think it is a great word regardless of whether the world likes it or not. Jesus established the church. I agree with you, that too many people today hate the church, but personally I believe that you cannot love Jesus and hate his Bride. I think that the majority of the people out there today who are bashing the church would claim to be believers. This burdens me. I realize most of this is aimed at how people do church and therein lies the problem. Most people are doing church instead of being the church. I love you Matt Chewning...and if God has you plant a church (and it looks as though He will) God will bless, lives will be changed, and I'll say I knew Matt Chewning when....
I am not surprised to hear the news and feel you passion for the Lord and his work. A word of advice from one of those 80% that did not make it... Make sure you and Beth are in this together!! If she is the slightest bit uncomfortable, talk, talk, talk until it is clear to BOTH of you that this is the way to go. Be very sure that she confirms your call and listen to her. She will be a powerful source of strength and clarity for you if you let her. Make sure that the decisions you are looking to make get filterd through her for clarity and confirmation. The enemy wants nothing more than to knock down and destroy those that God lifts up and calls for his purposes. I know because I am there at this time. Don't sacrifice your whole family and everything God has given without weighing the risks and rewards on this side of heaven as well. You will be a blessed and richer man for it. We will be praying for you and the work you feel God calling you to follow. A new book for you to consider is "Simple Church". Get a copy and dig in. God bless you and yours.
In His Grip,
Stephen Snitchler
Associate Pastor for Christian Ed.
Warwick Valley Church of the Nazarene
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